Legal TV Leads

Why Is It Still A Good Idea To Advertise Your Personal Injury Law Firm?

During COVID-19, Your Chances To Capitalize Might Be Higher Than Ever Before!

Here in the world of COVID-19, it’s safe to say that social distancing has taken over. Businesses are closed, employees are working from home, people are taking classes online and enjoying video conference meetings through platforms like Zoom and Skype. And all the while, the TV remains on. Whether or not people are directly watching the television or not, it’s likely that the amount of TV consumption making waves throughout the nation is higher than it’s been in quite some time. Why? Simply because more people are staying home. Now, how does that relate to your personal injury law firm? Let’s take a look down below.

TV Advertising

When it comes to your personal injury law firm, if you aren’t already spending your advertising budget within the area of TV ads, you’re doing something wrong. We’ve talked numerous times in our blog about the need to engage in TV advertising because it allows you to directly market your business to a target audience who would be in the most need of your services. And with the way the world is currently dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a chance that you can now expand that reach further than ever before and market your personal injury law firm to a much wider audience.

For instance, an article by the LA Times just a few weeks ago said, “a cooped-up audience hungry for information on the coronavirus is driving up viewership of TV news to extraordinary levels.” This is good news if you’re looking to increase your TV advertising spend because it means that more and more people are watching news segments.

The article goes on to say, “[David] Muir’s program averaged 12.5 million viewers for the week, a level not seen in 20 years since Peter Jennings anchored the program.” Clearly, these are unprecedented times, which are generating unprecedented numbers in terms of viewership! This presents a tremendous opportunity for you to take advantage of this increase in viewership and further expand your advertising strategy.

Legal TV Leads Can Help

We’ll work with you to expand your TV advertising strategy in such a way that ensures you generate more leads for your personal injury law firm, you convert more of those leads into paying clients, and you further improve your ROI – which is hard to do with any type of advertising strategy.

Not only will we help you push your TV ads during the most widely watched news segments, but we’ll also provide you with a pre-screened lead service to ensure that the only leads you hear from are the ones who are already ready to begin working with you.

Contact Us Today

If you’re ready to get started with expanding your TV advertisement strategy, it’s time to give our team a call. We’d be happy to walk you through your options to ensure that we make the most out of your advertising spend.



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