Why Buying Legal Leads Makes The Most Sense for Attorneys


While any growing legal practice needs new clients, generating leads to bring in cases is an ever-present challenge. Complicating matters are the many methods available for lead generation.

So, as an attorney, what is the best way to bring your practice a consistent flow of potential prospects?

Well, the fact is, you’d be hard pressed to find a better option than buying legal leads. You see, especially when you buy legal leads from TV advertising, you’re able to compete head-to-head with larger legal practices in your market. In most situations, you also get your leads at a lower rate.

And this is just one benefit of buying legal leads — here are 5 more advantages:

1. You only receive valid leads.

Sure, you still need to speak with prospects and evaluate their cases. Yet you save time and resources because you only communicate with people who demonstrate an immediate need for your legal services. In other words, you’re more efficient when prospecting because you eliminate trial and error, and you start getting inquiries almost instantly.

2. You define your budget. 

The nature of buying legal leads means you pay a sum for a specific number of inquiries from qualified prospects. So regardless of your budget, you’re certain to get potential cases without overspending. In fact, with our approach, you also get leads exclusive to your law firm — they’re not shared with any other practice.

3. You get leads on demand.

“On demand” means you can regulate your leads based on your needs. For instance, if you’re experiencing a slowdown in clients, you can immediately receive an influx of new leads. On the other hand, if you have a full calendar, you can limit your leads (or pause them entirely).

(Note: This flexibility is key, especially as your law firm executes its growth plan. You don’t want to overwhelm your staff.)

4. You free up time to work on other tasks.

This is an instance where buying legal leads doesn’t just pay off in the lead generation sense. It allows you to focus on critical tasks for your legal practice. The reality is, marketing your law firm is an ongoing and time-intensive process. So eliminating the need to generate leads can unlock valuable time.

5. You can cancel at any time.

Compared to other marketing strategies (such as working with a marketing or advertising agency), you’re not stuck in a long-term contract. As such, there is little long-term risk. You can even launch a short, limited-budget experiment. If you’re not satisfied with the results, you can walk away without worry.

So, as you see, whether you use buying leads as a stand-alone strategy or dovetail it with your law firm’s overall marketing strategy, you’re certain to bring in potential cases. And with Legal TV Leads, you get the added benefit of promoting your law firm on TV — but without all the extra production costs.

If you need leads for your legal practice at a fraction of the cost of traditional TV advertising, reach out today and we’ll walk you through what’s available in your market.

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