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Is Your Personal Injury Law Firm Taking Advantage of This Year’s Technology To Generate Growth?

Well, the new year has finally arrived and with it, a plethora of new technologies for businesses to take advantage of in their pursuit of growth. When it comes to the world of personal injury law, there are a number of new technologies available that can help to ensure that your firm is poised for growth in the new year. With everything from advanced call analytics, to automated marketing and client relationship management systems, it’s time for you to take advantage of these cutting edge technologies to help take your law firm higher than ever before.

Advanced Customer Relationship Management Systems

A CRM, or customer relationship management system, is a powerful automated tool that can help you effectively automate your marketing efforts and your client support efforts all without skipping a beat. And for law firms, there are a number of excellent CRM systems available. For instance, the James Legal CRM is an exceptional tool that allows law firms to automate their lead follow-up process, monitor their marketing efforts, send supplementary materials to contact lists, and even analyze your marketing budget, so that you can determine where your funds will be most well spent.

Add chat.

You can add chat to your website and send a message that you are available and that you care about your potential clients experience. Using a chat module that works with your website you can create automated responses to your most asked questions, connect people that may be hesitant to call, and collect valuable insight into your clients mindsets. Forrester research shows that 57% of visitors will click out and leave a website if they can’t find the information they are looking for in just a matter of seconds.

Use an intake call tracking service – like INVOCA

The intake experts at Legal TV Leads uses Invoca specifically because we can provide our clients – law firms like yours, with a tracking dashboard featuring real-time analytics. The technology can help you track your campaigns in real-time using a secure client portal. Additionally you can unlock actionable call data from inbound phone call and analyze phone conversation outcomes to inform actions and improve intake. From there, you can gain a deeper insight into the ways in which your sales team receives leads and intakes clients. With everything from predictive models to analyze purchases or services confirmed, appointments or consultations scheduled, or even initial inquiries, you can look into your own lead generation with more detail than ever before.

It’s Time To Leverage This Technology

For the sake of your firm, staying on-trend and ahead of the competition is always important. As a personal injury law firm, taking your firm to the next level simply revolves around adopting and implementing the right technologies that help you make your processes more efficient, your services more effective, and your efforts more exceptional.

Take a look at these technologies today to get started. And, if you are ready to let us generate and screen your leads (using our technology) contact us for a quick intro call.

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