Legal TV Leads has delivered over 1 Million personal injury leads over the past several years. We now use that expertise to generate serious car accident leads. Today we share a list of best practices when developing an in-house, car accident campaign for Law Firms.

Advertise with Consistency:

One-off marketing campaigns rarely produce long-term results. Therefore it is important with any advertising campaign that it runs with consistency and contains elements that indicate quality with measurable results.

Offer to Help:
Approach potential new claimants with an offer to help. Following a traumatic car accident, this builds immediate goodwill between potential claimants and the firm. Don’t be stingy with your good advice and you will reap the benefit of trust immediately.

Advertise in the Right Place and Time:
It is less expensive to market at night and on random cable channels, but in this case more doesn’t equal better. By choosing to advertise during waking hours, your reach is greatly amplified and most importantly, to the right audience. Yes this costs more, but you get the results you pay for in the end with better quality car accident cases.

Directly-Engage to Generate More Leads:
Direct claimant engagement should be one of your top priorities. Most Law Firms choose to go with in-direct engagement – such as passive online interactions and then wait for the phone to ring. Direct engagement, on the other hand, makes use of live chat, forums and help centers – where intake representatives are present on the phone to make sure every inquiry is handled properly. More engaged potential claimants will result in better word-of-mouth and higher conversion rates.

Deploy Outbound & Inbound Marketing:
Outbound marketing refers to any kind of marketing where a company initiates the conversation and sends its message out to an audience. This is the opposite of Inbound marketing, which is where the customers finds you when they need you. An example of outbound marketing is television advertising and inbound marketing would be all the information and imagery on your website. According to the stats, outbound marketing is still more effective than inbound marketing. But, it doesn’t mean that you forget about inbound marketing. Look to deploy both approaches in a balanced manner as this will be helpful in generating quality car accident leads.

Automate Your Marketing:
What about a tool for getting more leads? Drip is an application that offers marketing automation through the form of well-designed popup forms, remarketing online ads, email campaigns and more. This method puts your firm online where potential claimants can find you. Using marketing automation enables you to collect information around your prospect and turn them into genuine leads with little work or management.

Personalize your phone and email communications during every interaction from intake to closing a case. Be sure to give the potential claimants an easy and effective way to get in touch with you, via telephone, email and text. Don’t be afraid to give out your cell number, it conveys transactional trust between you and the client. This helps you establish a healthy relationship, builds rapport and increases future referrals.

Tap Into Lead Providers:
Companies like ours, Legal TV Leads, can provide car accident leads for your firm. We take the pressure off and allow you to focus on signing cases and not generating them. Additionally, we can provide serious injury leads so our clients can stop wasting time on small cases. We generate these game-changing cases every day — and deliver these pre-screened claimants with legitimate large claims pre-screened and ready to sign up. If you’re interested in signing more serious car accident cases, instead of focusing on smaller cases and having to manage expensive marketing initiatives, contact us today.

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