Most injury attorneys will claim that the web was their pathway to success and that their lead generation has never been stronger than online. And while that may be true, this data is heavily skewed. The problem with internet marketing is the fact that lead generation is not exactly correlated with conversions. So, while businesses may be raking in leads, their conversion rate can still be quite low.

The takeaway? If you’re looking to market your personal injury law firm, it may be time to move away from the internet for just a minute to see what the real world has to offer. Here are three non-internet marketing strategies that can help you grow your law firm offline.

Start With TV Advertisements

Did you know that you can begin working with a TV ad agency who will run your TV advertisement and receive your calls directly from real leads who are prepared to talk to a member of your team at the moment of their call? This is more than having an interested lead fill out a form on the internet only to never respond to your follow up email. These are real leads who are ready to begin working with you now.

Fight For A Cause

Connecting with a community, a population, or a demographic is a fantastic way to build your reputation throughout your target market. You can start your own foundation, you can give back to a cause, and you can host a charity event. The goal is to get the name of your law firm out there, so that your local community comes to you first when they need to file a personal injury claim. And when you connect with a population, you can always depend on word of mouth referrals to help you grow your firm outside of the internet.

Sponsor An Event

Going back to your local community, we really cannot emphasize enough just how important it is for you to continue to connect with the individuals who make up your immediate lead pool. Sponsor a local event in your town to get people involved in what you have to say, donate some money to help rebuild the town park, or even sponsor the cost to cover the new season jerseys for your local school’s baseball team. Whatever you can do to get your name out there, the better and remember, when it comes to your local community, they’ll come to your firm first when they’re ready to file a lawsuit.

It’s Time To Give The Real World A Try

While other personal injury law firms are becoming clouded by the idea that the internet offers unlimited potential for growth, you can take advantage of what’s right in front of you. Go out of your way to promote your firm locally on TV, go out and connect with charities who fight for a cause that you’re interested in, and do everything you can to connect with your community on a deeper level than ever before. From there, see how far you can go.

Let’s Get Started

If you’d like to get started, we encourage you to contact us today. We’d be happy to show you more about our services and our approach, so that you can see first-hand just how we plan to build your caseload.

Click to schedule a 15-minute introduction call, or send us an email to get started.

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Email to Get Started 

By | November 13th, 2019|

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