What Steps You Should Take To Grow Your Firm

It’s clear to see that law firms – in particular, personal injury law firms – have been subjected to some tremendous profit gains within the last number of years. Much of this has to do with the advent of digital marketing and the newfound marketing goldmine of social media. However, here in 2020, the game has changed a bit. Social media is no longer the brand new shiny new toy for marketers – it’s still effective, but there’s a new rule book.

When it comes to your personal injury law firm, it’s important to remember that what you’re really seeking to sell to potential clients is more than just a reputation, more than just a brand, and more than just a blanket statement of the settlements that you’ve been able to secure. You’re looking to establish a sense of trust. In a world where trust between businesses and consumers can be hard to come by, achieving trust with your potential clients isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Some Things To Remember About Your Potential Clients

As you begin to craft your new marketing strategy for 2020, it’s important to keep some things in mind when thinking about the potential clients whom you’d want to attract to your personal injury law firm. First, it’s absolutely crucial to operate under the mindset that any and all potential leads are interested in one thing – themselves. They’re not interested in your figures, your success stories, or your settlements – they’re simply interested in how you can help them.

Next, clients want to see results – but more specifically, they want to see results for their goals – which may greatly differ from those of your personal injury law firm. Sure, you both want to win a case, but your clients might also be looking for something else – recognition, respect, empathy, and much more. To establish trust, you need to convey this in any potential marketing strategy.

From there, it’s important to make it clear that you focus on each and every client individually. You can’t simply rope all of these potential clients into your funnel only to provide a blanket-level of service designed as a one-size-fits-all solution – in 2020, that just doesn’t work anymore. Personalization and bespoke services have become the new norm, which means that your personal injury law firm needs to adapt and ensure that every client is taken care of personally, their needs are met on an individual basis, and their best interests are always put before the best interests of the firm.

Last, but not least, you need to ensure that you have answers to all of the questions listed down below. If you don’t you’re doing something wrong. If you do, then you’re well on your way towards growing your firm in 2020.

  •       Who are our potential clients?
  •       What do our potential clients care about most?
  •       What do we do differently than other firms?
  •       What can we do to gain the attention of small target audiences?
  •       How can we build trust?

Is your firm ready to make 2020 your year? Contact us and let’s get started today.

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