Stop wasting your marketing efforts – improve through your intake process

For any business, regardless of size, scope, scale, or industry, optimizing your processes should always be of the utmost importance. In other words, you should always be striving for more, to do more, to be better, and to convert more leads. As a personal injury law firm, the way to do this would be to win cases, to solicit positive feedback from your clients, and to generate high-quality leads. Now, growing your personal injury law firm may seem daunting at first, but it all comes down to ensuring that your lead intake process is as efficient and as effective as possible. From there, all you have to do is focus on the results that you get at the negotiating table.

How deep is your understanding of your existing process? Not very deep That’s a problem. 

For most personal injury law firms, their lead intake processes revolves around an inside sales team who work to convert potential clients into clients. Oftentimes, these sales representatives are the first to send contact or receive contact from your potential lead. Their goal is to quickly understand the pain points of every lead, convey the services and selling points of your law firm, and lastly, confirm their intention to work with your firm.

In this stage, your goal is to identify the vulnerabilities in your lead intake process. For example, is your inside sales team overwhelmed? Do they struggle to maintain contact with leads after the initial call? Are they closing and converting leads quickly enough? And most importantly, area they doing enough to drive conversions? These are all important questions that you need answers for before moving forward.

Improving Your Lead Intake Efficiency

At the very top of the list, nothing can be more important than ensuring that every single call receives an answer or a response. When calls from your lead go unanswered, it essentially sends a message that their call isn’t important to you – despite your automated voice mail message saying that it is. Potential clients want to be heard, they want to be understood, and they want to be cared for – after all, can you blame them? They’ve experienced an injury, they’re seeking representation, and they need to enlist the services of a professional they trust.

Every potential lead deserves a quick, speedy, and personalized response by your team. And after you’ve responded to every lead, you need to be sure that you track them. Find a legal firm specialized CRM that works for you and be sure that your sales team has all of the relevant information that they need to maintain a clear line of communication with each potential lead – i.e., their name, their unique situation, their contact information, etc. This information is critical in building the needed trust to turn leads into clients. In addition, you can set up automatic reminders to ensure that your team follows up with each lead.

You can go so far as to schedule in-person consultations with each lead during the initial phone call. Here, you can establish an effective intake process that includes an initial call with a sales representative, followed by a real, in-person consultation with an attorney from your firm. Just the act of scheduling an in-person meeting with your qualified leads will send the message that they are important, and your firm is ready to move on their behalf. From there, your leads will understand that you’re really there for them.

These are all simple steps and measures that you can take to improve your lead intake process – give them a shot today.

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