Recently, Rich Lehrfeld, a marketing vice president at American Express, said in an interview that one day of television provides his brand as much product awareness as two weeks of digital advertising.

1 day to 2 weeks! That says A LOT about the power of TV advertising, yet so many law firms shy away from it. Why is that? Well, it can be technical, expensive and hard to track. We know because at Legal TV Leads it’s our specialty. So how do we solve for these challenges? We use a proprietary combination of experience, technology, economies of scale and prescreening to provide high-impact, low-risk leads and cases to our clients but with the QUALITY that only television can create.

Now, you might be hearing otherwise from your digital marketing agency but don’t let fear tactics keep your firm out of the reach of television. Hands down, TV advertising (done right) creates the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to generating high-quality case leads.

In fact, according to a study about the effectiveness of various forms of advertising, 75% of consumers said TV ads are the most effective in reaching them. Digital fell far behind, with just 7.80 and 5.90 percent of people saying internet and mobile ads, respectively, are the most effective.

How does that translate to better personal injury cases for your firm? Well, often people that have been hurt in accidents will see television ads long before they start searching online for an attorney. The right TV ad, placed on the right station, at the right time can cause potential claimants to respond directly to an ad immediately. A TV ad is often the first spark of awareness in a client — and that is the time to strike. On the other hand, digital marketing requires the potential claimant to start looking online for help before they can be targeted. By the time the claimant is aware that they need an attorney they have begun to shop online – and by then it might be too late. Additionally, many digital lead providers re-sell leads to multiple firms and make them compete over them and diminishing their value and likelihood of conversion every step of the way.

With Legal TV Leads our high-quality commercials reach millions of people, often before they are attorney-shopping, and cause them to call in. In a variety of ways we turn these leads over to client-firms, often via live-transfer, and only to one law firm.

Remember, television commercials live in people’s homes and hospital rooms, in their safe and welcoming environment. It has been said that watching a television ad is like listening to an old friend—even if you don’t always like what the person has to say. Working with industry experts your firm can harness the power of television, but with the economies of scale, and convenience of pre-screened cases that are often guaranteed to convert or they are replaced at no additional charge.

If you’re ready to receive high-quality case-leads sourced early, and exclusively for you, contact us today.

Amanda Jones

Director of Marketing


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