Welcome back for the final installment of our 3-part series: Converting Leads At A Personal Injury Law Firm. Today, we’re going to talk about the final step in our plan to help ensure that you convert your leads into clients. In our previous two blogs, we spoke about the importance of showing empathy, building rapport with your lead right from the start, and building transactional trust, so that they know right from the start that they made the right decision to call your personal injury law firm.

So, let’s get to that final step – this is the most important step for the entire process.

Closing The Deal

Last, but most certainly not least – you have to close the deal. It’s time. You’ve planted the seed, you’ve cultivated the relationship, you’ve connected with your lead personally and professionally, and you’re now 100% confident that they made the right choice to contact your personal injury law firm, and that you’re the only personal injury lawyer with the knowledge, skills, and experience to represent them and their best interests.
In other words – it’s a perfect fit, just like it should be.

Ask For The Business

If you’re 100% certain that the stars have aligned, now is your chance to officially ask your lead to schedule an appointment with you, essentially solidifying you as their primary personal injury lawyer. This step is absolutely crucial, even if you feel like you still have some room for improvement in the previous three steps. As Wayne Gretzky said, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” This is your shot, and if you don’t take it now, you’ll surely miss it. Your leads want to work with you, but more importantly, they want you to want to work with them.

The Assumptive Close

This is always a safe alternative if you’re not comfortable asking for the business. All you have to do is simply assume that your lead is going to do business with you. Simple phrases like “here are the next steps,” or “here’s how our personal injury law firm moves forward.” You may even find yourself surprised at the number of leads you’ll convert through the assumptive close strategy. You could chalk it up to frustration – in that your leads are frustrated with their insurance companies and need tremendous assistance to help them get their medical bills paid, or you can chalk it up to the fact that you followed a fool-proof, comprehensive plan specifically designed to help you convert leads for your personal injury law firm.

Whatever you do, be sure that you put your money where your mouth is and represent your clients to the best of your abilities, so that they can recommend you to others.

And with that, our 3-part series on how to convert leads for your personal injury law firm comes to an end. We hope you’ve learned a thing or two and we can’t wait to hear your success stories. Don’t forget to comment down below and let us hear all about your experiences.

If you’re ready to focus on closing leads instead of chasing leads, contact us. We provide a variety of exclusive personal injury leads.

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