Welcome back for part #2 of this 3-part series: Three Reasons You Are Losing Potential Cases. Today, we’ll cover a major step to stop losing and start winning lucrative cases. Your firm can stop wasting valuable time and resources and convert more personal injury leads with this tactic.

Step #3: Building Transactional Trust

In our previous installment, (view here) we spoke about just how important it is to build the foundation of a long-lasting relationship with your leads right from the start – even if they don’t choose you to represent them. We use empathy to put ourselves in their shoes, so that we can better connect with the trauma and experience they’ve endured. In addition, we should strive to build a strong rapport with our leads right from the start by connecting with them and drawing parallels to our own lives. The goal of these first two steps is to lay the building blocks for the next step, which will help you convert the lead and close the deal.

Transactional Trust
Now, we’re all familiar with trust, we know what it means to trust and what it means to be trusted, but where does a transaction come into play? Transactional trust is simply a reassuring practice, where you remind your lead that they are in good hands. All in all, you’re simply reassuring them that they chose the right firm to represent them (the transaction) and most importantly, they’ll have something to gain by the end.

How To Establish Transactional Trust
Establishing transactional trust typically occurs after steps 1 and 2 are completed. At this stage, your lead has already felt your empathy, and they’ve already engaged with you enough to know what you’re all about. But now, they need the guarantee – they need that peace of mind, knowing that they chose to work with the right personal injury law firm. Let them know that they’re in good hands, that you’ll take care of them, and that they made the right choice to contact you.

Talk to your leads about what you’ve seen before throughout your time in personal injury law. Let them know that you’ve seen cases like theirs, educate them on the process and share some tips for what they can expect, and don’t forget to tell them about your vast experience in personal injury law. It may seem like you’re bragging, but trust us – this goes a long way when trying to convert a lead into a client.

Remember, establishing transactional trust is absolutely crucial in ensuring that you connect with your lead on a deeper, more personal level. You don’t want them to call another firm – you want them to continue talking with you, so that they ultimately choose you and your personal injury law firm to represent them.

Stay tuned for the final part of this 3-part series.

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