These days, if a law firm is to survive, its attorneys must consistently find new clients. As a result, branding usually becomes a big — and often unnecessary — focus.

You see, when you think about building a law firm brand, TV is what often comes to mind. For decades, it’s been the go-to medium for attorneys (especially personal injury attorneys) looking to get in front of large audiences of potential clients.

Typically, making TV advertising work requires viewers to see your law firm repeatedly. This is part of a conventional branding process and requires a considerable investment in airtime, as well as to produce commercials.

These days, this traditional approach is no longer needed. You can generate leads from TV without the extra time and expenses. In fact, you’re also able to make an immediate impact. As such, long-term brand building can take a back seat to other priorities in your practice.

For law firms needing a consistent flow of new clients, this is often welcomed news. After all, in Thomson Reuters’ 2020 State of U.S. Small Law Firms report, acquiring new client business is the most frequently cited example of a significant challenge for small law firms (and has been for several years in a row).

They key to successful advertising on TV without branding comes down to budget. Rather than paying for all the production costs and airtime on different channels, you now have the option to use a pay-per-lead approach. With this model, you only pay for the leads you need — nothing else.

So can generate leads for your law firm on an as-needed basis.

The other benefit is, you bypass the need to produce commercials because one is already created for you. Your contact details are simply added into the footage. This allows you to showcase your law firm on local channels for a fraction of the time and costs required with traditional TV advertising.

Keep in mind, too, you can also compete head-to-head against larger firms in your market, even if you don’t have a well-known brand. In effect, you’re leveling the playing field. You’re appearing on the same channels, during the same times, but without all the extra costs that your competitors get stuck paying.

This ability to shortcut the branding process is an advantage we give you at Legal TV Leads. You also avoid expensive media buys and long-term contracts because you only pay for the leads you need. If you’re interested in seeing what TV advertising options are available in your market, reach out today.


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